Thursday, June 20, 2013

Strange but true China signs

There are many strange, funny signs here.  I have started to take pictures of  them and thought I would share.   Hope they brighten your day!


The ladies restroom sign. No translation needed!

Mens room!

I did not have the courage to try any of these wines...

  This was posted at the Great Wall.  I have never heard about this warning before.

You can not be naked around flames....

 These signs were in a Chinese restaurant in Beijing...I am not sure what kind of service you get if you hold up these paddles..
  Posted on a fruit tree, that had no fruit on it at all..

Icky...I am not sure what ingredients are in fried enema..

And my favorite one of the week... :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Phuket Thailand

We had the chance to visit Andy in Thailand at the end of May.  He is deployed on the USS Nimitz and had a few days of liberty in Phuket.  It was fun to hang out with him and his navy friends near Patong beach.

Drinks at the pool are in order everyday :)

At night we tried to party with the sailors on Bangla street.  There is a lot of weirdness there and all sorts of strange human behavior!  We ended up at the Monsoon bar...too much beer and strange blue shots of some kind of liquor that tasted like kool aid.

Poor Dennis the day after :)  


Rode in a tuk tuk to Joe's restaurant -- great dinner, nice views, awesome company.  Thanks Paul and Ashley for hanging out with us. 

After Andy returned to the ship, we did some sight seeing.  This is Big Budda temple.

Dennis has a new friend. The elephants were amazing.

Sorry --- I could not figure out how to rotate this one :(

Lou the frenchie had to stay in Shanghai with his Aunt Jodi...he was a good boy!