Monday, February 18, 2013

Let it Snow :(

Well it is snowing this morning!  A very rare event in the Shanghai....but at least it is not sticking and it will warm up today to about 38 degrees F.

I took in the antique market the other day with my Canadian friend Victoria.  Lots of trinkets, ducks, song birds, and even bunnies for sale.  The ducks and rabbits probably will not become pets :(

The scary masks were interesting!

We found a great place for dumplings the other day a short walk from our place and they were EXCELLENT!!  I need to limit my intake of these or else I will look like a dumpling!  I am practicing my chopstick skills and am improving....

My little Frenchie, Lou arrives in two weeks!  I miss him and can't wait for him to get here!


  1. He is so goofy looking, that he's cute! I love his little drumstick legs :)

  2. The updates are great. 38 still beats below zero up here in Duluth!
